Sunday, April 3, 2011

Design 200

Now that I've thrilled and captivated you with my first post about moi, I suppose I should tell you why a Mechanical Engineering major is taking a design class?  The answer might be obvious to some (but these people only know part of the answer) and not so black and white to others.   

What are you interested in within the design topic? 
     I don't know a lot about design or the theories behind it so I don't know how well I can answer this question.  Basically, I am interested in design in how it applies to not only fashion but consumer products (specifically "gadgets") as well as functional items. 

What are you looking forward to so far? 
    Being in a class for the first time in my college career that promotes creativity and does it in a where you are allowed to come to your own conclusion (there's not just one answer to a question). 

Are you intending to major/minor in Design? 
    Most likely minor.

Are you just taking this for fun? 
   Partly, I hope that an eventual minor will help add some dimensionality to my Mechanical Engineering major but I also hope that I will incredibly enjoy this class! 

Overall, I may be a Mechanical Engineering major but there are multiple ways that I see my life going right now.  I have so many interests and passions that I want to explore that I may end up changing my mind again.  I'm taking this class because it can help an Engineering degree (and relates to my engineering interests) but also because it's allowing me to explore one of my interests.

Thank you for reading.

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